Sunday, August 9, 2015

Surprising first week

The first week of the 2015-2016 school year is in the history books.  I have the same 5 students from last school year again this year.  Each students is labeled with Autism and an Intellectual Disability.  Three of those
students have significant behavioral needs that requires a structured and predictable environment.   Leading up to the first week of school I had some concerns about how my students were going to handle the new routine of waking up early and going to school.  My point of comparison was last school year.  The first day was one of the most chaotic days I have every experienced.  I had 5 students who were new to my school and 4 of them were new to high school (frosh).  The first 2 hours was filled with tantrums and kids running out the room.  I was unable to get each student to sit in a chair for longer than 30 seconds.  As the day progressed the tantrums diminished and I was able to provide them with a predictable routine that supported their needs.

This year on the first day of school I expected the same.  I was surprised that all of the hard work my staff and I put in last year to support my students behavioral and emotional needs had a lasting affect.  Each student walked into the classroom as if it was May 20, 2015 again.  We as a class didn't skip a beat.  They knew what to expect from me, my staff, and the daily routine.  I was even greeted by smiles from my students as they walked into the classroom door for the first time Monday morning.

I am knocking on wood right now with confidence that next week will be even better for my students and my staff.